1 August, 1993

The Editor
Dorset Evening Echo
57, St Thomas Street

Dear Sir,

Pondering, as I do on local affairs-the Vicar and the local cricket team Captains` wife not withstanding-I have noticed lately that Weymouth has great potential in the Tourism department. Mr Harvey Bailey, that paragon of the Pavilion set should be congratulated, nay Canonised for his vigorous efforts in bringing the blinkered-if not tunnel visioned-town of Weymouth kicking a screaming into the Twenty First Century.

It is gratifying to note that two of Weymouths` greatest tourist attractions are thematically conceived around disasters e.g.; The Time Walk, Brewers Quay around the `Great Plague` (14th Century) and the Diving Museum, Custom House Quay, around the sinking of the good ship Titanic (April 14th, 1912).

May I suggest to Mr Bailey another disaster linked site as yet to reach it`s full potential, the car park behind that busy hive of commerce, the Colwell Centre. Whilst being wheeled around the metropolis by my young nurse in my custom built bath-chair after a long-awaited visit to my Wine Merchant, I happened upon this marvel of Deconstructionist`s Art quite by accident. Then it occurred to me. What better way to publicise this particular area than remove all the horseless carriages therein parked, and replace them with a small visitors centre extolling the virtues of that great period in our history that drew so many people together. May I suggest the title `Weymouth at War 1943-1993: A Reconstruction of a Typical Bombsite` to be most apposite...

Then, my mind, as alert as always, began working on the merchandising possibilities; sweet rock models of Barnes Wallis`s `Bouncing Bomb` with the proud name of Weymouth imprinted all the way through; minuture chocolate Whitehead torpedoes for the ankle-biters to chew on; bookmarks made of authentic R.A.F. leather flying jackets; plastic V.C. Medals...if you think about it the possibilities are endless...

I am prepared to offer my services as Historical Advisor to this major project for a small renumeration and hope that my idea finds a home in the town that so richly deserves it.

Yours Sincerely

GENERAL P.M. HAMPTON Esq. (Rtd.) etc, etc.

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